The Motley Crew




Derek Cobb, Staff Nurse. One of the founders of the event, Derek has never been known to give up or fail if set a challenge. Except, of course, the challenge to get out of bed and make it to his work on time in the morning. His biggest challenge of the event will be to keep Rambo following the training programme.










Stewart Main, Nursing Assistant, another of the brains(??) behind the event. Never one to voluntarily do any work of any description, the labours involved in this event so far have been an awfy shock to his system. Currently convalescing in the maximum security Chez Grecian 2000 Rest Home for the follicly challenged.










Alan "Rambo" Ramsay, Nursing Assistant. What can we say? The heart of a lion coupled with the intellectual capacity of a duck-billed platypus. Famous throughout the scientific community for "Ramsay's Law of Physics" which states that the distance covered travelling between two given points on a bicycle is exactly the same as the distance covered when travelling the same route by motor car.










Chris Reid, Staff Nurse. Calm yourselves, ladies, we've not recruited The Fonz to the team, it's oor Chris. A legend in his own lunchtime, martial arts machine Chris assures us his training regime is going according to plan, "My hair has never been so fit and perfectly styled", he claims. 









Tony Sircos, Student Nurse. Down, boys!! It's not George Michael but hunky Greek lookalike Tony. Set to qualify as a nurse next February (allegedly), Tony's only fear about taking part in our challenge is not being mobbed by adoring fans while the boat is out on the open sea. 












Brian Lennon, Staff Nurse. The old man of the crew. Volunteered for the challenge to prove he's still young and virile but, unfortunately he's fooling naebody. We've been ordered by H.M. Coastguard to carry, in the safety boat, a Kwik Fit mechanic and a set of jump leads in case he breaks down halfway across.











Stuart McGregor, Full Time C&R Tutor. After telling the team that he was willing to take time off from his hectic schedule of flower arranging and embroidery classes, Stuart was signed up as a pedaller due to the fact that even the roughest of seas is unlikely to argue with him.












Margaret Gibbons, Ward Manager. Margaret has been recruited to the team as chief fundraising babe and is widely expected to become the voice of the project because once she starts talking naebody else will be able to get a word in edgeways.












Anne "Vileda"  Morrison, project administrator. Anne was recruited by the team for her absorbant qualities. Should the boat start taking in water at any stage, Anne will be immediately grabbed by the ankles, turned upside down and dipped into the boat to save the day.











Linda Holland, Accounts Payable Officer. Recruited to team as assistant fundraising babe and Mr Main's personal training instructor. Having decided that a wee bit o glamour wouldnae come amiss in the event, the organisers discovered that she wasnae available that day and asked Linda instead.













Ruth Gilmour, Staff Nurse. Continuing on our, so far, fruitless search for some glamour, Ruth is our latest recruit. Another science boffin, Ruth continues her research programme into eradicating global warming with her experiments in running an internal combustion engine without the addition of any fuel.











David Montgomery, Student Nurse. Following copious feedback from our female audience regarding the rather poor standards of "talent" within the pedalo crew, the management decided to organise a search for a young hunky bloke to recruit. Until we find one, here's David.














Gerry McGinlay of "Pedals" cycle shop. Gerry has been recruited to the team in case of any equipment failures on the crossing. Bringing with him a wealth of experience in the field of pedal power, Gerry assures us he has the right tool for every job.














Ada Rumpworthy and Cissie Mingeington-Smythe, sexy fund raising babes. Cissie and Ada are delighted to be involved with the event, having a long standing fondness for nautical types.











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