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Name: Jack Jarvis and Victor McDade Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 22 Aug 2006 20:01:42 GMT

Comment: The full resources of the X-House Slanderer are at your disposal. Good luck lads.

Name: Jim Cobb Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 22 Aug 2006 20:19:34 GMT

Comment: First class web site Will keep in touch with your fitness programme especially for Rambo

Name: Night shift babes in Park Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 25 Aug 2006 21:43:05 GMT

Comment: We heard that Rambo doesn't need no training, he comes fitted with a first class

Name: Webmaster Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 28 Aug 2006 19:41:19 GMT

Comment: Babes? In Park?? Would all contributors please check for typing errors before submitting message thank you.

Name: Russell Shirra Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 29 Aug 2006 15:15:52 GMT

Comment: Just upping the hits! Looking good, will be back to donate soon.

Name: Bandit Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 18 Sep 2006 19:34:18 GMT

Comment: breaker 19 breaker 19....JACK!! this site looks like your actually doing some work.please refrain at once from doing any more,you are giving yourself a bad name..You got the bandit im Crosshouse bound and down....10-4 good buddy

Name: The Sharks Email: 
Welcome Page:  
Country: DEEP SEA  IP Address:  Date: 23 Sep 2006 21:56:17 GMT

Comment: Been waiting for this moment to get my teeth into you, to see how tough you really are, i think you are just sardines waiting to be swallowed alive yum yum

Name: Theresa Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: ENGLAND :0(  IP Address:  Date: 26 Sep 2006 17:10:02 GMT

Comment: Brilliant website which i will post out to all my address book, good luck to you all especially BRIAN my dear wonderful BIG brother xxx

Name: Kev Searl Email:
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Country: UK  IP Address:  Date: 27 Sep 2006 08:51:17 GMT

Comment: A great challenge & one I wish you all well to achieve..... Im sure you will get to your goal.....Just think of that pint of black stuff at the other side! Good luck especially to Brian.....all the best mate, and by the way......if you need a SAT NAV system in case you get lost... me dads got one goin cheap!! ;-) Good Luck to All!

Name: Ronnie Holmes Email:
Welcome Page:  
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 27 Sep 2006 19:32:52 GMT

Comment: Dear KevThe Lads will not be needing any Sat Nav Equipment as I will be personally aboard the mother ship doing the escorting and have a vast knowlege of navagation having being a Master in the commerial business for more years than I care to mention.

Name: matron Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 3 Oct 2006 00:53:49 GMT

Comment: mr.main. enough nonsense. what about the crosshouse sheila's.???.There's a lot of talent here and a lot of it undiscovered. So let us know if there is anything we can do to help you boys.

Name: Chris Reid Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: AILSA (WHICH IS ANOTHER WORLD!)  IP Address:  Date: 3 Oct 2006 13:17:38 GMT

Comment: Bring on the sea, I hope its at its harshest! All we need is heart and to remember what this is all for. Im ready to do this right now, lets go!

Name: Webmaster Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 4 Oct 2006 10:25:30 GMT

Comment: Right, that's plenty!! Without mentioning any names, Derek Cobb, I want no more messages about Chris being a big Jessie. Good heavens, you'll all be telling me next that Tony Sircos is not a gay icon!

Name: The Tony Sircos Fan Club Email:
Welcome Page:  http://Its raining men!!  
Country: OUTER MONGOLIA  IP Address:  Date: 4 Oct 2006 16:32:09 GMT

Comment: Don't say that about Chris. Just makes us all hopefull here at the fan club. As for the comment about our dearest Tony.I just want to say that he always was and always will be our top gay icon and we never want to read anything that might confuse this matter. thank you. WE LOVE YOU TONY X X

Name: Elaine 1E Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 6 Oct 2006 00:03:16 GMT

Comment: Keep up the good work boys, your doing a good job, make plenty of money for these wee kids xx

Name: The Fonz Email:
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Country: LOUDOUN CASTLE  IP Address:  Date: 12 Oct 2006 07:46:45 GMT

Comment: Ladies and Tony, I appologise for my picture it wasnt good light hahahah

Name: JB Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: LOUDOUN CASTLE  IP Address:  Date: 15 Oct 2006 10:40:48 GMT

Comment: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Don't push Rambo... everyone knows what happened to the redneck cops in Rambo IGO RAMBO ---ya dobber

Name: Gerchel Emiago Email: TheGents@loo.cum
Welcome Page:   
Country: GREASE  IP Address:  Date: 16 Oct 2006 19:10:00 GMT

Comment: Oii...Thats enough about the iconness of the gayness.

Name: Sheila and Jim Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: WALES  IP Address:  Date: 27 Oct 2006 17:05:07 GMT

Comment: heard on the Ken Bruce show today about your site sending very best wishes from Wales cash too

Name: JIM GIBBONS Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 27 Oct 2006 17:38:35 GMT

Comment: Hi, Just heard about your trip on Ayrshire's answer to the Titanic..on RADIO 2 today, by some songwriter from TROON..??? Didn't know Troon started with a 'B'..Sounds great.!!! Will muster this MOTLEY CREW up here in Glasgow and send a 'Few Bob' to help the cause...Kind regards and Good Luck..Jim Gibbons.

Name: Kelly Hollis Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA-KENTUCKY  IP Address:  Date: 31 Oct 2006 21:31:37 GMT

Comment: Hello All! Awesome website and fantastic charity. Referred here by CMA and looking forward to sharing in your adventure and adding a bit to your fund. All my best to you all. You are a brave group.

Name: Vileda Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: YES  IP Address:  Date: 2 Nov 2006 07:41:52 GMT

Comment: Thanks for the support...boys(?!) and Stewart..........fron the team nag xxxxxxxxxx Very very much appreciated xxxxxxx

Name: Carole Ramsay Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: AUSTRALIA  IP Address:  Date: 15 Nov 2006 11:23:09 GMT

Comment: Yes - Carole - the legal drug pusher! I have even heard about youze over here - I didn't realise you were so big down under...! All the best - Now I am going to try and work out how to donate.... Don't get drownded!! ;0)

Name: Anne Morrison Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 27 Dec 2006 10:07:21 GMT

Comment: Thanks to my old school friend, Fiona Douglas ( now Smith) for sending £10 in a Christmas card xxxxxxx

Name: rif-rafter Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 11 Jan 2007 21:52:05 GMT

Comment: just noticing on all theposters and advertisement ive seen of this theres an interesting comment attached THEY SAID IT CANT BE DONE just woondered if we could have some confirmation on who they might be ie:whoever said it could be not be done or was it said or maybe just some little self-confession to hype it up,just curious.

Name: sharon @ xhouse Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 18 Jan 2007 18:53:14 GMT

Comment: keep up the good work stuart,derek and the rest off the team. you will get your target and more.good luck.

Name: angx Email:
Welcome Page:  
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 15 Apr 2007 20:23:41 GMT

Comment: best of luck - i am gonna pass your link around sounds mad but fun!!good luck angx

Name: Lesley Email:
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Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 16 Apr 2007 16:41:11 GMT

Comment: Good luck to you all especially to BRIAN my big brother. I do think you are all mad and but it is a good advert for Ailsa Hospital. Ha Ha Ha

Name: Douglas Carruthers Email:
Welcome Page:  
Country: BONNY LANARKSHIRE  IP Address:  Date: 16 May 2007 12:49:43 GMT

Comment: I think it a great thing you are doing. Enjoy the challenge and the reward will be good and appreciated.

Name: Ronnie Holmes Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 7 Jun 2007 20:02:40 GMT

Comment: I am very glad to announce that the pedalo has had extensive sea trials and was a total success she is going like a bomb. So it is now in the boat bodyshop to be sealed up and a paint job.What colour? any suggestions

Name: 'bored' Albany Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 14 Jun 2007 17:48:48 GMT

Comment: Well clicked on looking for the latest pics, no where to be seen!!! Get on with it, and Stuart still waiting on the action pics (a la the sweeny), hurry it up. Please.......

Name: Brian's Mummy Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: YES  IP Address:  Date: 25 Jun 2007 11:58:28 GMT

Comment: Good luck everybody look after my wee boy. Brian's mummy.

Name: Gareth Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 26 Jun 2007 09:39:18 GMT

Comment: Hi Guys just to let you know, after 6 days of getting people to fill in your sponsor form in the office at Fairlie the total currently stands at £256.10 as well as the charity bucket we have!

Name: Park Special School Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: THE MOON  IP Address:  Date: 27 Jun 2007 13:40:58 GMT

Comment: Good luck team. We thought our kids were educatioally challenged But you lot are mad. Staff at Park school Kilmarnock. Donation to follow.

Name: T Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 31 Jul 2007 17:04:40 GMT

Comment: I would like to thank very much the following people who kindly sponsored the cause and raised £240 to go towards the total. Ashley Brown, Patricia Mcpherson, Jim McBride, Tracy Larkin, Lisa McGrath, Sheryl Nisbet, Ellen Paterson, Alex McPhee, John Main, Robert Donelly, Simon McCormick, Robert Gray, Sophie Cree, Ruth Prentice, William Curlett, Wilma Sircos, Izobel McCormick, T Jones, A Brown, A Morrison, J Skeoch, L Farrell, M Fermindozo, A Strain, M Wilson, Lizzy McCormick, Kenny McCormick

Name: T Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 31 Jul 2007 17:08:42 GMT

Comment: List Continued: Tricia McCormick, Andy McCormick, Jeany Deans, Andy McCormick (the younger), Janet McCormick, Jane & Billy (flitted to Oz), Izzy McCulloch, Tara McCulloch, Pat Cambell, Mrs Curlett, M Mcmachon, Leane Mitchel. Thanx very much to all of you Tony :o)

Name: Dirk Stephens Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country: SCOTLAND  IP Address:  Date: 7 Jan 2008 23:25:33 GMT

Comment: Brilliant work, first class

Name: Dannii Email:
Welcome Page:   
Country:   IP Address:  Date: 26 Mar 2008 20:58:19 GMT

Comment: Hi stuart, and all the team. Would like to say its wonderful site, alot of time and effort has gone in to it!You put us all to shame when i see what you guys have acheived! To think of the people you have helped is tremendous. We should all take a leaf out of your book! Keep up the fantastic work, you have done us all proud! If in any way i can help, you have my number. Well done guys!!

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