Stuart McGregor, Full Time C&R Tutor. After telling the team that he was willing to take time off from his hectic schedule of flower arranging and embroidery classes, Stuart was signed up as a pedaller due to the fact that even the roughest of seas is unlikely to argue with him.
Anne "Vileda" Morrison, project administrator. Anne was recruited by the team for her absorbant qualities. Should the boat start taking in water at any stage, Anne will be immediately grabbed by the ankles, turned upside down and dipped into the boat to save the day.
Linda Holland, Accounts Payable Officer. Recruited to team as assistant fundraising babe and Mr Main's personal training instructor. Having decided that a wee bit o glamour wouldnae come amiss in the event, the organisers discovered that she wasnae available that day and asked Linda instead.
Ruth Gilmour, Staff Nurse. Continuing on our, so far, fruitless search for some glamour, Ruth is our latest recruit. Another science boffin, Ruth continues her research programme into eradicating global warming with her experiments in running an internal combustion engine without the addition of any fuel.
David Montgomery, Student Nurse. Following copious feedback from our female audience regarding the rather poor standards of "talent" within the pedalo crew, the management decided to organise a search for a young hunky bloke to recruit. Until we find one, here's David.
Gerry McGinlay of "Pedals" cycle shop. Gerry has been recruited to the team in case of any equipment failures on the crossing. Bringing with him a wealth of experience in the field of pedal power, Gerry assures us he has the right tool for every job